Food Addiction Professionals

Are you frustrated because your clients cannot make vital changes to their diets?

In your professional training, did anyone ever say, "Addiction to processed foods is the most common problem you'll address.  We'll get you ready for that."?

Training in management of processed food addiction could stop the frustration and shift outcomes so you fulfill your purpose in restoring clients to vibrant health.

Food Addiction Core Training will be releasing the courses below throughout 2020-2023.  Course I is ready to enroll in now!



I. Heal Food Addiction to
Heal Diet-Related Diseases

Find out how the tobacco industry got into our food. Practitioners and clients both benefit from the evidence that corporations spread food addiction in the same way they spread smoking. Only when we know the true source of disease can we plan a successful recovery.

II. How Severe is Processed Food Addiction?

It's hard to persuade clients to undertake a successful level of treatment.  Most clients think, 'I don't need to go to meetings! I'm different.' Educating gently and respectfully about severity of processed food addiction sets up progress.

III. From 'Dieting' to 'Recovery'

Beyond Diets: Processed Food Addiction has been mischaracterized as a 'weight problem.' Clients find it hard to switch from the 'eat less' approach to an addiction recovery program. Learn how to to successfully lead clients through the shift and back to health.


IV. Diagnosing and Assessing

Clarity is essential. How can we know how to proceed without diagnosing severity and creating the right treatment plan. An accurate road map finally gets us to success.

V. Motivational Interviewing

Denial is such a prominent element of addictions. Breaking through denial is essential.  Clients go back to old attempts to control their food unless you know how to motivate them.

VI. Food Plans for Recovery

What to eat...really? One of the reasons food addiction is hard to treat is misinformation about processed food.  Get the surprising simple answer to foods for recovery.

VII. Build an Online Community

Get the incredible satisfaction of finally providing the right level and type of support to clients who have never seen success. Build a cutting-edge business that you can run from anywhere.

Special Populations

VIII. Processed Foods and Mental Health

Processed foods have a profound impact on brain function, especially mood and cognitive function. Find out how to use recovery to restore mental health. And, how to prevent mental health issues from blocking recovery.

IX. Children Addicted to Processed Foods

Aiding the most vulnerable: The youngest possible consumers are at greatest risk because of process food target marketing.  Find out how to guide parents to wisely protect their children without fighting or controlling.

X. Processed Food Addiction in the Workplace

Workplaces are the front line in recovery from food addiction. Find out how the processed food industry is subtly and overtly stealing your profits. And, how to earn the gratitude of employees who resolve diet-related diseases.


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